Pro Tips And Techniques To Wrap Natural Long Hair Under The Wig

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Pro Tips And Techniques To Wrap Natural Long Hair Under The Wig
Whatever hair texture you have, there are tried and tested methods that can serve every individual to look flawlessly natural wearing a wig.

You’ve got long lovely traces and yearning for a stylish synthetic hair wig? Go Ahead,  having long hair doesn't mean you can’t wear an exotic style of wig, from pixies to top bobs, layers to flared, Nothing is impossible to achieve! You may find it challenging but rest assured you only need to wrap your hair finely underneath to attain your dream locks. Whatever hair texture you have, there are tried and tested methods that can serve every individual to look flawlessly natural wearing a wig. Make sure to select a specific method according to your hair length, texture, and thickness. And follow some tricks and techniques to ensure perfect wrapping.

Appearanz wigs

Why hair wrapping under wigs is important

Hair wrapping techniques help secure hair tightly, and neatly in the shape of a person’s own head. Rightly done it ensures a perfect foundation that sits the wig snugly and helps avoid wig slips making you feel comfortable all day long. Most importantly, wrapping long hair is a way to the maximally flattened surface to keep the whole shape of the head just there and accessible. Some tried and tested ways to secure long hair under wigs are briefly explained here.

How to wrap your long hair

There are several ways, to choose one suitable for your hair texture and length.

  1.    Small flat buns

If you have mid-length, fine hairs making two small flat buns are enough to fit them under the wig. For very thick and long hairs multiple small flat buns can do the job well. While making buns the goal is to lay them flat at the back of your head. Always make sure the buns are not hard and big, hard buns will misshape your actual head shape.

  1.    Plaits around the head

Braiding or plaiting natural locks is suitable for textured, long, thick hairs. Classic braids are great but French plaits provide extra security. Braiding should always start from the nape as you are going to wrap them around your head and secure the ends at the crown area.

  1.    Ponytails

Fairly long hairs can benefit from making really low ponytails just near the nape of the neck. The secret is tying it as tightly as possible and wrapping it over the head unless the end of the ponytail is nearly touching your front hair.

  1.    Cornrows

A long-time wig-wearing commitment needs well-secured hair underneath especially when you have afro American texture of long hair. Cornrows do an exceptional job to keep your textured thick hair close to the scalp neatly and firmly for days.

The wig cap is a must-have

Once you put up your hair properly, for extra precision and perfection wearing a wig cap is a must-have. Wig caps keep things in place both natural long hairs and wigs. They smooth out the unwanted bumps, ups, and downs caused by braiding, cornrows, and buns. Moreover, the stretchable mesh helps catch tiny bits of fray away hairs and allows the wig sits much better making it look natural and comfortable.


Pro techniques shared by celebrity hair stylists

Celebrities from the theater, film, or TV industry need to wear various types of wigs and hairdos to portray their characters. Professional hair stylists have come up with different hair wrapping methods to get the actor’s hair out of the way. Know what techniques and tricks they employ to wrap long hair under synthetic hair wigs;

Lay flat hairs as much as possible

The main purpose of wrapping the long hair is to wrap hair without looking bulky and bumpy exactly following the shape of the head. The head should look perfectly flattened from the sides, back and front.

Brush and dampen hair

Start by brushing through the hair, very thoroughly. Use a water spray or leave-in-conditioner to tame fizziness, fly away, and fine or terrible thick hairs. Damp hair help manages natural hair well. But never wear a synthetic hair wig on damp hair and wait for them to dry up.

Secure baby hair

If you want to wear a short hairstyle, make sure to keep the hair away from the nape and the area surrounding the ears. So that both areas look very clean and neat. After securing all the hairs, deal with baby hairs on the front hairline and nape of the neck. Use hair spray to strongly hold them in place.

Double the wig caps

Wig caps are a great way to flatten the surface, but wearing two together will lock every bit underneath flawlessly.

Hair sectioning/Parting

A properly done sectioning and parting help achieve an ideal surface under the wigs. See how can you better part hair under a wig;

  •         Find the right anchor point

When wrapping underneath hairs, the main anchor point goes on the crown of the head. This area can hold the most amount of the bulk without appearing odd. Avoid large lumps, and bulkiness on the sides and front area

Part the natural hair in the very same place where the wig has the parting. It will make the scalp visible through the wig making it look natural.

  •         Stay neat and steady

When you start parting keep the sections as neat as possible. Neat parting help you do very tight, neat, flattened, and precise hair wraps.

  •         Take angled sections

In case you’re wrapping and pinning your hair, take angled sections this way the last section will cover and tightly hold in place all the previous sections.

  •         Divide hair bulk rightly

If the natural hair is thick and long-separate them into as many sections as possible.

Using pins

  •         If you’re using bobby pins, remember to put them facing down towards the scalp. This way there’ll be no chances of hairpins popping up through the wigs and damaging your expensive hair piece.
  •         To make the surface flatter, while wrapping hairs use click-clack clips. These clips sit very nicely flushed to the hairs.
  •         Wig caps sometimes trouble thin textured hair and might slip off, to avoid any mishap, use click-clack clips to anchor the wig caps at the temples.

Browse Appearanz stunning synthetic hair wig collection to find the most comfortable high-quality wigs. In all desirable colors, textures, and lengths. Vegan and cruelty-free materials are super lightweight and reusable, the price is unbelievably reasonable. Give it a try right now and get a discount on your purchase.

lace front wigs

Take Away

Don’t let your long hairs stand in way of your wig-wearing dreams. Wearing a wig on long hair is fully feasible without compromising on, comfort and natural looks. Just try some of the above-said ways, keeping in mind your hair texture, and don’t forget to wear a well-ventilated wig cap.


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