Easy Steps to Make your Synthetic Wig Hair Silky and Soft

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Easy Steps to Make your Synthetic Wig Hair Silky and Soft
Show your wig love, care, and treat them the right way to keep them silky and soft. It’s pretty easy with few simple tools, and products.

Synthetic wigs are great in appearance. They retain their shape and style even if you wash them. They have extra advantages of being less pricey and versatile in styling. However synthetic wigs are blamed for having a short lifespan of 3 to 6 months and losing their texture. Moreover, they don’t stay silky and soft till the end.

This is not the case. Show your wig love, care, and treat them the right way to keep them silky and soft. It’s pretty easy with few simple tools, and products.

Easy Steps to Make your Synthetic Wig Hair Silky and Soft

Wigs amp up your appearance instantly. Like your natural hair, they need special attention; the major advantage is they don’t need a laborious maintenance routine. Some easy and small steps can lengthen your synthetic hair life, softness, and appearance.

1- Step One: Treat them with care

The first step starts when you buy your favorite synthetic hair wig. Take good care of it. Although it’s not pricy, it doesn’t mean you keep replacing it. A good wig hair care routine will keep it in good shape and soft for a longer time.

  •        Buy the right size according to your head. You will have to struggle to wear the wrong size wig. And it will not stay on your head safely.
  •        Handle them gently.
  •        Always detangle your hairpiece after removing it from your head. Brush it well with a longer wider tooth comb instead of the usual comb. For curly synthetic hair use your fingers to avoid any damage to hair.
  •        Don’t leave it on a table or in a drawer after taking it off. Place it on a styling head and cover it with a plastic sheet or clothing.
  •        Keep it at normal temperature.
  •        Wash it every 2 to 3 weeks, or after 20 wears depending on the weather where you live. If you wash them very frequently you will risk a shorter life of wigs.
  •        A pro tip; Buy APPEARANZ beautiful synthetic wigs for a good friendly wig experience. The highest-quality material is specially made to wear every day casually from day to night.


2- Step Two: wash your wig properly

 Wigs are your beauty asserts, clean and clear wig hair uplift your style without changing your natural hairstyles.  Washing them at regular intervals is as essential as your natural hair. Synthetic wig strands are artificially made up of plastic fibers; you cannot follow a general natural hair cleansing routine to wash them.

A simple washing technique specially designed for these fibrous hairs will keep them alive, soft, and silky.

How to wash synthetic hair

The synthetic fibers are not real hair they may wear out and lose silkiness and mat up. To refresh them, no rocket science is needed. It’s easy and simple. Few tools and products available at home can make them live healthy and long.

  •        Detangle synthetic hair 

Before washing, place the wig on a wig head and start detangling it with a wide-tooth comb. The troubled area is usually on the back and ends of the hair. Divide them into small sections with hands and then gently comb up matted hair. Brush well the whole wig.

  •        Soak in cold water 

Fill up a tub or sink with cold water (normal temperature; not hot) don’t use warm or hot water to wash synthetic hair, they can ruin their texture and make them look worst.

Add cleansing agent

Fortunately, synthetic wigs are close to synthetic cloth fibers, they don’t require special shampoos and conditioners. Although the market is full of wig cleaning shampoos and softeners. You can escape from this extra expenditure with incredible results.Human hair products, shampoos, conditioners are a “BIG NO” they are not made for them.

Cleansing Agent

  •        So what do you need then?  A simple, mild detergent from your laundry or mild liquid soap and a mild fabric softener. This combo will do wonders for your synthetic wig. Fabric softener will help reduce static cling and they will be easy to comb. It will work just like a hair conditioning product.


  •        Add some detergent and mild fabric softener to the sink or tub full of cold water and mix it well. Dip in the wig or hairpiece in soapy water. Don’t try to rub the hair. Do not run your fingers through the hair to remove dirt or makeup residuals. Leave it in the tub for a few hours.
  •        This cleansing bath will cleanse off all the dirt, sweat, and makeup accumulated on the hair strands. Wigs are usually dirty at the back, around the nape, areas near the neck. The sweat on the neck makes the hair of this area stiffer and less shiny. Check these areas and then rinse off the wig.

Rinse off the wig

  •        Remove the wig from the water. And fill up the tub or sink again. Gently push down the wig into the water and rinse or place it under running water from the top to bottom. It will help keep the hair detangled. Thoroughly get all the soap or detergent out of all hair strands. Again, don’t rub the hair.

Dry the hair wig

  •        Do not twist hair instead hold a segment of hair between your thumb and fingers and gently run down your hand squeezing the excessive water. Do the same with all hair. Do not try to wring the water out, it can damage the hair.
  •        Spread a towel and place hair on it. Blot the hair with this towel.  
  •        Now don’t think of using a blow dryer even if your synthetic wig is heat resistant. Hang it on a hook, you can use the shower for this. Or rest it on a wig stand.
  •        Let it air dry.


  •        Once the wig hairs are dry, they are safe to use a comb. With a wide-tooth brush or comb, start combing them from the bottom. You will notice they are silky and soft with a new brighter clean look.

Some tips for synthetic wigs

  •        Avoid over washing synthetic hair.
  •        Do not use excessive heat to style your synthetic hair even if they are heat resistant. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the heat setting of your styling tools.
  •        Minimize the hair product use on synthetic wigs. They can make them stiff and coarser.


The Final Word

You must be relieved after reading the easy steps to make your synthetic hair wig silky and soft. It’s not as hard as you assumed. Now how often you should wash your wig depends upon how often you wear it. If you wear it regularly and are usually around smoke, perfumes and strong odor keep them washing more often to maintain their softness and silkiness.


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